Submit to community

The following section explains how you submit a published record to a community for inclusion.

Only published records

You can only submit published records for inclusion in a community (see submit for review for submitting an unpublished record to a community).

Both uploader and curators can edit

Both you as the uploader and the curators of the community can edit the metadata when you submit it to a community.

Learn below how to:

Note, we do not support submitting a record to multiple communities in one go. Instead, simply repeat the recipe below.

Submit to community


Go to the record you want to submit to a community and click the cog-wheel icon to open the communities menu.


Click Submit to community in the dropdown menu.


Find the community you want to submit to and click the Select button.


Confirm you want to submit the record to the community by:

  • Ticking the checkbox that curators gain view and edit access to your record.
  • Optionally, write a message to the curators.

Finally, click the blue Submit to community button.

View pending submission


Click Pending submissions in the community dropdown menu from the record landing page.


Click the community title to view the access request.


The access request allows you to have a conversation with the community curators. See also manage submission for further details.