Edit community profile

The community profile enables you to clearly describe your community and set logo for your community.

Edit basic/funding information


Go to your community settings. By default the profile is now shown:


Edit the basic information and funding information according to the following guide:

  • Name: The title of your community which will be prominently displayed everywhere you community is linked.
  • Short description: A short text/slogan (displayed in header).
  • Type: Select the type of community among: project, event, topic or organisation (displayed in header).
  • Website: Link to your website (displayed in header).
  • Organisations: Link one or more organisations from the ROR database to your community (enables user to browse communities by organisation).
  • Awards: Link one or more funders or awards to your community (enables user to browse communities by funder/award).


Click Save button to persist the changes.


Go to your community settings.


Click Upload new picture and select a picture from your computer. The logo must be smaller than 1MB.


ATTENTION: Once uploaded, it can take some few moments for the logo to become visible on all pages. This is due to browse-caching and occurs on pages you have already visited.


Go to your community settings.


Click the red Delete picture button to remove a previously uploaded logo.


Confirm that you want to delete the picture.