Manage versions

The following sections describe how you can create a new version of record, import files from previous version, browse versions, and edit previous versions.

When to use versioning?

Versioning is used if you need to add/remove/modify files in your published record. If you just need to edit metadata (title, creators, description etc) then see Edit published records.

Read more about versioning in about records.

The section covers:

Create a new version


Go to the record landing page of the record you want to create a new version of.


Click the green New version button to create a new version draft. The button is only displayed if you have permissions to edit the record.


The deposit form will now show that you're editing a New version draft. Fill in the metadata, upload files as for any other record.

Import files from previous version


In files section of the deposit form, click the Import files button to import files from a previous. Using this feature saves storage space as we don't duplicate the previous files.


You can now add/remove/modify the imported files as described in manage files.

Browse versions


Go to My uploads.


Toggle the View all versions switch to on. You're now able to browse and search all previous versions of a record.

Edit metadata of previous version


Find the previous version you want to edit using e.g. browse versions.


Click the Edit button to edit the previous version (see edit published records).