Element 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing


Oversight of the daily work of data management and sharing is the responsibility of the institution that originates and/or analyses, manipulates, and processes the data. In most studies and organizations, the responsible party is the principal investigator. In certain institutions, the office of research or other organizational bodies may also assist in this process. Check your organization’s data management or compliance webpages to be sure. Zenodo assumes no responsibility for oversight of data management and sharing.

NIH-specific guidance on Element 6: Oversight of Data Management and Sharing

6.A: Describe how compliance with this Plan will be monitored and managed, frequency of oversight, and by whom at your institution (e.g., titles, roles).

Curation costs may be included as part of your grant. See the NIH Supplement: Allowable Costs for Data Management and Sharing, as well as the following data management budgeting and cost estimators: